1.The Hlawga National Park is located 22 miles north of Yangon, on the side of the Yangon-Pyay highway, Mingalardon Township, on the side of the Htauk Kyant-Hlawga Road and, located on the coordinates of 17°00′17″N 98°05′98″E
Background History
In 1955, the ministry of forestry proposed to establish a sanctuary in order to protect the area around the Hlawga lake as a symbol of the Sixth Buddhist Council (Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana). The park was established with joint-funding by the UNDP and the government according to the nature conservation and natural park project from 1981-1982. It was opened on September 30, 1989. The current area was a catchment area before established as a Hlawga park. In fact, the water in Kantharyar lake in the park reinforce along the canal through the great Hlawga lake during the rainy season.
The safari area of the Hlawga National Park is 818 acres, the mini zoo has 62 acres, the buffer zone is 660 acres wide.
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