About – Hlawga National Park



1.The Hlawga National Park is located 22 miles north of Yangon, on the side of the Yangon-Pyay highway, Mingalardon Township, on the side of the Htauk Kyant-Hlawga Road and, located on the coordinates of 17°00′17″N 98°05′98″E

Background History

In 1955, the ministry of forestry proposed to establish a sanctuary in order to protect the area around the Hlawga lake as a symbol of the Sixth Buddhist Council (Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana). The park was established with joint-funding by the UNDP and the government according to the nature conservation and natural park project from 1981-1982. It was opened on September 30, 1989. The current area was a catchment area before established as a Hlawga park. In fact, the water in Kantharyar lake in the park reinforce along the canal through the great Hlawga lake during the rainy season.


  • To protect the natural habitats and forests around the catchment of Hlawga lake which supplied water to Yangon.
  • To observe closely the wildlife animals in their natural habitat.
  • To create a recreation zone for the public and relax peacefully.
  • To establish an environmental education center and to get knowledge of environmental conservation awareness.
  • To promote nature-based tourism.
  • To upgrade the park without damaging the natural environment and to get profit on eco-tourism business.


 The safari area of the Hlawga National Park is 818 acres, the mini zoo has 62 acres, the buffer zone is 660 acres wide.


  • Mammals - 25 species
  • Reptiles - 9 species
  • Birds - 192 species
  • Amphibian - 54 species
  • Butterfly - 103 species
  • Fish - 23 species.

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